Social Media Policy: How to Protect your Brand and Employees Online
I have been advocating the adoption of social media policies for a while, first of all with clients, then also presenting and discussing the topic at the top international search and social media marketing conference around Europe, such as SMX Stockholm (Sweden), Web Congress Malaga (Spain), DM10 Digital Markedsføring 2010 (Denmark) and, more recently, Search Engine Strategies London (UK).
The content of my presentations at the different events changes according the time I have for my presentation, but the core of the research, methodology and messaging about the creation and release of a corporate social media policy for employees is pretty much the same as the one you can find in the presentation here below from International Search Summit London 2010, hosted at my Slideshare account. This is also the most complete presentation I did on the social media policy topic to date, spinning the topic off a Facebook Marketing session.